Halloween Hall of Horrors

Two years ago at this time of the year, I experienced an SL halloween horror that has haunted me ever since. The second life changed, and in some ways the events that followed have paved the path to blogging.

Various themes of horror and scariness can be observed in SL sims that are fun to visit. However, Colin Fizgig, PatriciaAnn Daviau and their friends have put up a Hall of Horrors (Horror Hall Festival, Start Area, Delgado Estates (236, 105, 3078))  that is a masterpiece. It is a different kind of halloween theme.  Sha Karrilion and Lawrence Delgado have graciously accommodated this project on their sim.

The Hall of Horrors is not infested with ghosts and ghouls.  There are no witches flying on broom and no stenciled appearance or disappearance of flying bats to annoy you.  Yet, it is an experience not to be missed.

The Enchanted Forest
The Enchanted Forest

The teleport point is in midst of an enchanted forest.  The light rays filtering through the canopy of the trees create a surreal atmosphere.  The trees appear to be old and fearsome.  There is an aura of horror but no direct threat.  It is like a Spielberg movie where the threat of violence is more disturbing than the violence itself.  In this menacing atmosphere, you can feel the piercing gaze of burls that dot the forest landscape.

From the teleport point, a path leads to a dialepidated building half covered with vegetation.  You have reached the Hall of Horrors.  At this point you are on your own-  one step and you will be engulfed by a building that tortures your brain.  It forces you to view things differently.  It wrenches your mind to let go your conventional thinking and forces you to adapt to a new rule where things are not what they appear to be.  It is not the threat or the fear of unknown, it is your own self that you are scared of.  You want to run away from this awkward ‘reality’ because it wrings your nerves.  You feel claustrophobic but your ego keeps pushing you deeper and deeper into the labyrinth.

The further you go, the sicker you feel.  That is the power of this building.  It horrifies you from its very design and construction.  Its logic has no beginning or end, it multiplies within itself.  Most likely you will not leave the House of Horrors on your own terms;  you will likely be teleporting out of it!

The Hall of Horror

The building team comprises of Mobius Enzo, Colin Fizgig, PartriciaAnne Daviau, Puppet Runo, Dakumi Kanto, TommyTom Jun, who are very interesting characters in SL. They defy conventions and push the limits.  They are always busy building complex and unusual things that are testimony of their super-convoluted brains.

Their child-like curiosity and ever-growing interest in things of strange and bizarre nature keep them inventing new ways of representing the 3-dimensional virtual world.  Having common friends in this playground has given me privilege to watch them build some of their masterpieces and I sincerely hope that you will have a peek into his intricate mind.

The Halloween Bunch
The Movers and Shakers

The event is organized by TommyTom Jun, Sha Karillion, Aviendha Vayandar.  The events will be open to public from 26 October to 1 November 2009.

In case you were wondering about ‘extras’, there are a lot of fun activities organized including high-grade shopping area and a great Horror Party. Plus, there are numerous free-stuff including Colin Fizgig’s famous real cool flying broom-mobile. The flying broom is fitted with a handle bar and a smoking tail. The broom can be used for flying at a very high speed. This broom was part of a Quiditch project which Colin undertook improvising on Galoot Yangho’s prototype and I had a privilege of watching him work on it.  See ya there.

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